How to Evaluate a Board Portal Solution

Board portals are a powerful tool to help companies streamline their meeting preparation, improve governance practices and stay compliant with ever-changing regulatory requirements. It is essential to select the best solution for your organization’s needs and goals. Here are some important aspects to take into consideration when evaluating various solutions.

Consider if the solution you choose offers an all-in-one capability that consolidates diverse functions like document management, communication and voting into one platform. This will cut down on the costs associated with managing and deploying various software tools and system.

Be sure that the solution you choose offers a user-friendly interface to directors and administrators alike to make information access easy and intuitive. This will also aid in increasing utilization and acceptance of the system.

Find out if the solution comes with a solid security framework that has been designed to protect sensitive and confidential information. This includes features like customizable end-user permission settings as well as two-factor authentication features, industry certified data centers, third-party conducted penetration tests, and regular security audits.

Check if the solution you are considering includes the ability for administrators to track document changes easily, resulting in an accurate audit trail. This can help reduce the risk of accidental changes to vital documents.

Check if the board portal can be accessed on any device. This is particularly important for companies with directors who are often on the move or work remotely. This will allow them to keep track of meetings and updates, discussions and meetings from their office without the need of managing multiple logins and hopping between different platforms.

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